Total Solar Eclipse

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4 Responses

  1. Rana hasan says:

    I am glad you got to see some of the eclipse mummy, We had a great time watching the partial eclipse in our area. It was a surreal experience!!

  2. Liz Conroy says:

    So nice to hear of your experience! You are a great writer I saw the “partial” in my yard and it was interesting. Love reading about the accompanying cuisine, moon pies; how appropriate!

    • Rasheeda says:

      Hi Liz, what a pleasant surprise! Thanks for connecting and for your comment. Please visit or we can meet somewhere for a coffee.

  3. Xandra G. says:

    Oh! Such a cute blog. Pleased that you got to see some of the partial eclipse. Loved that you were so happy about what you saw and thought your family would be so envious, but family showed complete indifference . Your way of ending your disappointment was so cute to write about the moon pies, which mostly everyone likes. An uplifting ending, when you get lemons, make lemonade. Lol! Bravo another well written blog. Many thanks for sharing.

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