Nazareth is the largest city in the Northern District of Israel. Because a majority of the population is Arab, it is known as the Arab capital of Israel. But it is a sacred town where Jesus spent his childhood. A beautiful church of Annunciation is built over the cave (Grotto) which was the home of the Virgin Mary, and where, it is believed that Angel Gabriel appeared to her and announced that she would conceive and bear the Son of God.

The Church of Annunciation has two different floors: a grotto, and the top of which is the main church. Scene (above ) is part of the Grotto which was turned into a worship place in the 1st and 2nd centuries.

Pomegranate is a symbol of plenitude, abundance, and hope. Pomegranate has 613 seeds and corresponds to 613 commandments of the Torah. And according to the Jewish tradition, it is a symbol of righteousness.
Right outside the Church of Annunciation, they were selling freshly made Pomegranate juice, which most of us had, was delicious.
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Oh my gosh ! This is so wonderful. My first time seeing the grotto and the Church of Annunciation. Your photos are superb. I hope that I do get there some day. Thank for such an interesting blog.
Wow! What a beautiful place. Beautiful pictures too! Love this
Thanks marium.