Capernaum, Northern Israel
Capernaum, Northern Israel
We spent the night at Nof Ginosar Hotel in the Galilee region. We began our next day with Capernaum, a fishing village and currently an archeological site situated on the banks of the Sea of Galilee. The Pristine Sea of Galilee is the largest freshwater lake in Israel. After leaving Nazareth, Jesus moved to Capernaum, which became his home and a center of His ministry where he also performed miracles.

It is home to a celebrated Byzantine-era synagogue. The remains of the buildings and synagogue exist. It was a place Jesus healed a paralytic and St. Peter’s mother-in-law. And archeologists found that the St. Peter’s Church was built on top of St. Peter’s home. The site is a major tourist attraction.
Capernaum was one of the most prominent towns of Jesus’ life. Looming 12 feet tall near the entrance to Capernaum, an imposing bronze statue of the Apostle Peter actually weighs a ton. You can see in the picture that he has a fish at his feet, a staff in his left hand, and a gigantic key in his right hand. The keys represent the divine authority that was vested in him by Jesus Christ.
Interior of St. Peters Church Statue of St. Peters
After Capernaum, we stopped at a working Kibbutz called Ami’ad for a walking tour.
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